Our gorgeous handwoven baskets made from recycled polyethylene are made by women trained and supported by the SPEED Trust in Chennai, India.
SPEED Trust - the Slum People Education and Economic Development Trust, started in 2000, concentrates its efforts on one of the biggest slum areas in Chennai: Ghandi Nagar - Sathyavai Muthu Nagar.
The aim of SPEED Trust is the design, production and promotion of handcrafts made by economically and socially deprived women from slum areas - particularly widows and deserted mothers, physically challenged and HIV affected people.
Activities include:
- the polyethylene wire baskets producers' group, especially dedicated to physically challenged women;
- the tailoring unit focusing on recycled products
This NGO runs three major programs:
- Education provides
- an educational facilities for slum children
- a creche
- library
- computer lab
- loans facilitation for college students
- tuition centre
Family follow up focuses on bringing families out of the deepest poverty,especially isolated mothers, widowed or deserted women.
- Training and educational support
- Vocational training for women such as rickshaw driving
- handicrafts
- screen printing
- beautician training
- Micro credit loans